Election Universe

Women support internet voting in the UK

Women support internet voting in the UK
March 30 2015, 12:12

According to a recent survey carried out by Mancunian marketing agency, Tecmark and polling company YouGov, 63% of adults in the UK think that online voting would boost turnout in elections.

The strongest support was found amongst women, people living in London, and young people aged 25 to 39.  I-voting is most popular amongst Northerners and those who voted for the Liberal Democrats in 2010.

Also other polls from WebRoots Democracy, Sky News, Demos, and Lodestone found greater support for online voting amongst women than men.  In the 2010 General Election, only 39% of young women voted compared to 50% of young men.

Trust in the security of online voting was an issue with 40% of respondents stating that it is their ‘biggest concern.’

It is important to note that the adoption of online voting has received support from the Speaker’s Commission for Digital Democracythe House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee, and the Labour Party.

Source: http://webrootsdemocracy.org/

