Automated elections in the Philippines got a boost when an election watchdog announced that its random manual (RMA) showed a 99.8% match between the electronic count and the manual count. "It [...]

On May 9 the Philippines automated its third national election with great result. Leveraging technology, basically all candidates vying for local offices were proclaimed between Election Night and the next [...]

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is going to great lengths to ensure that all registered voters in the Philippines are equipped with knowledge on how to properly cast their votes [...]

On November 8th the citizens of Burma headed to the polls in order to cast their votes in the first elections since 1990 when the military government recognise the victory [...]

Amit Singhal, senior vice president and software engineer at Google, responded Robert Epstein’s article which suggested that Google had the power to shift the voting preferences of undecided voters. Given [...]

“How Google Could Rig the 2016 Election” is the title of an article written by Robert Epstein and published by Politico in August. According to Epstein, Senior Research Psychologist at the [...]

On 8 November Myanmar will hold its first open general election in 25 years to elect a second government under the 2008 constitution. The president in Myanmar is not directly [...]

With a little over ten months to go before the Philippines goes to the polls to select the next president, the country’s poll body is itself deep in the process [...]