Persons with disabilities (PWDs) have always been consigned to the fringes of society and generally do not enjoy the same access to services as more able-bodied citizens. Even in the [...]

Once a fringe area, e-government is fast gaining acceptance worldwide as governments finally turn to the internet to amplify their service delivery capabilities. At the moment, UK, Australia, and South Korea [...]

A recent survey of Toronto voters showed an extremely high support for internet voting, with as much as 98% of respondents saying that they are likely to again vote online [...]

In what observers are considering a strong indicator of Vietnam’s resoluteness in adopting e-Governance, the country has just moved up ten places in a UN study ranking the progress of [...]

Speaking at the Tallinn e-Governance Conference last May, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves underscored the importance of a reliable identification technology in ensuring better e-Government services. "I believe that the role [...]

Residents of the Gasabo District in Rwanda finally got a taste of e-Government services with the launch of an e-Government online portal. The initiative garnered praises from residents who expressed [...]

Automated elections in the Philippines got a boost when an election watchdog announced that its random manual (RMA) showed a 99.8% match between the electronic count and the manual count. "It [...]

On May 9 the Philippines automated its third national election with great result. Leveraging technology, basically all candidates vying for local offices were proclaimed between Election Night and the next [...]