The Super Tuesday primaries marked the debut of Los Angeles County’s Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP). The Ballot Marking Devices, which allowed voters to mark their choice, received excellent [...]

Though the U.S. Presidential elections are just around the corner, there are cybersecurity and policymaking experts still pondering the 2016 results. Meanwhile, voters and elected officials are still adjusting to [...]

An online survey conducted by Edelman Intelligence right after the recent U.S. presidential election revealed that voters are ready for an overhaul of the election technology inventory. According to survey results, [...]

Pundits have started to speculate how close the US presidential race will be. Is it going to be a blowout similar to when President Lyndon Jonson trounced Barry Goldwater (R) [...]

September 22 was National Voter Registration Day in the United States, and what a better day to discuss the current registration system. One point of view adding value to the [...]

According to a new report from the Brennan Center for Justice (New York University School of Law), authored by Lawrence Norden and Christopher Famighetti, the United States’ election technology is [...]